Susan Shearer Young
Life Coach, Author and Deliberate Creator
Start Manifesting the Things You
Want in Your Life Today!
Did you know that life is actually supposed to be fun and easy and that joy is your natural state?
Then start by downloading
The Limiting Belief Solution.
If you’ve felt stuck and unable to create what you want in your life, it’s likely to be a result of Limiting Beliefs you have about yourself or what’s possible. The Limiting Belief Solution can help you to uncover and replace your Limiting Beliefs with empowering thoughts without years of therapy. Download your free copy and begin creating a life that you love!

Enter your email to download “The Limiting Belief Solution” from Award-Winning Law of Attraction Coach – Susan Shearer Young
If you are feeling stuck where you are and would like to finally create what you really want in your life, we can help you to see that you’re not stuck in short order. Isn’t it about time to create the life you really want?
One-on-one coaching is for those who are ready to move beyond their old story and from feeling blocked to feeling unstoppable. When it’s your “issue” that is holding you back, sometimes it can be difficult to see the beliefs and expectations that have brought you to where you are now. It’s often easier to get that insight when you have some help. I can help you to gain that clarity and reintroduce into your life the knowing that all is well and that you can go anywhere from exactly where you are. I’m fully committed to helping my clients to make the mindset changes and take the inspired actions that will change their lives.
Clients who have worked with me have experienced major shifts and breakthroughs with:
Relationship issues
Manifesting financial gains, including raises, promotions new homes, dream jobs and unexpected income
Letting go of pain and blocks resulting from a dysfunctional childhood or relationships
Work burnout and exploring new options that are a better fit
Manifesting a romantic relationship
Weight issues, skin problems, long-standing health problems, including depression, anxiety, migraines and fibromyalgia
Issues of worthiness and confidence
Becoming untangled from unhealthy relationships of any kind and establishing healthy boundaries for future relationships
Isn’t it about time to take control over the life you are creating?
What People are Saying About Working with Susan
and Inside Job Life-Coaching
Learned from the best!
I couldn’t help but take a moment to think about how thankful I am for where I am today, and that there is no way I could have reached this point without you! I took some pictures to finally show you my dream apartment. It’s amazing when one experiences their manifestations! I still have to pinch myself to believe I was just in my studio. . . I’ve learned from the best!
~ MF, NY
Feeling Hopeful
Susan, I learned more from you than from anything else I have bought, read, or listened to in the past 3 years. You are the first person who has taken my illness seriously and has looked for a solution for me. I think I told you that I had been avoiding googling it because it would depress me and then I’d feel hopeless. You are also the first person that I’ve met that can and actually wants to hold a conversation about Abraham, our guides, and basically anything LOA. I initially thought that you would get on the phone each week and listen to me speak about all that I feel is wrong in my life. It was a welcome surprise to realize that you do a lot of work behind the scenes for our benefit before you get on the call. I am really striving to put your tips and suggestions into practice in my daily life. You are definitely a blessing and an anchor of peace.
~ AS, Scranton, PA
Others Have Noticed the Change in Me!
I can’t wait to tell u howwwwww amazing last week’s tools worked. 180 degree shift in my life. And, the shift happened in one day after making my list! I never imagined how appreciating and loving myself would change everything. Focusing on loving myself brought me the relationship of my dreams. I’ve never been in a relationship before where I felt so safe and appreciated. Susan you’re a genius! In the last week, four different people, friends, a coworker and a family member told me that something about me was different, that I had a “different light about me.” My mother said that she has never seen me so happy, that I finally appreciate myself and that you are the best thing that ever happened to me. Susan, you’re on fire.
~ AL, Chicago, Illinois
Just What I Needed Beginning with Our First Coaching Call
Just an FYI.. I feel like I have gotten more out of the two phone calls we have had so far than any of the coaches I have worked with in past. You are awesome Susan. :).
~ DJ, Dumont, NJ
A Trusted Friend
Last time I posted a testimonial, it was after Susan and I worked together on an unrequited love issue. Back then, I was also living in a studio apartment in a huge city and working at a job that bored me. Susan helped me to see that I deserved to live where I wanted to live, which was not in that big city, and to have a job that I enjoyed. I was also inspired to work on my writing, which was important to me. Those Improvements changed the quality of my life. Fast forward a few years, I’m married, a homeowner in a smaller city that is perfect for me, and on track to working at a job that fills me with purpose. How did I get here? I went through another round of coaching with Susan. Through our correspondence and phone calls, she pinpointed my limiting beliefs about not being enough and having something wrong with me. Literally while I was working with her, after seeing and acknowledging those beliefs, I met the man I would later marry. My husband treats me like a queen and is always by my side. He is my best friend, which is what I truly wanted from a marriage. Susan also worked with me on limiting beliefs about my work and the sorts of jobs that I felt were all wrong for me. While I never would have envisioned being where I am now, I am extremely happy with it. It’s not about “settling” but clearing the preconceived ideas that you’ve outgrown that block you from seeking out what is the ideal fit for you. The Universe knows what you want and has your back — Susan helped me to trust that.
~ HH Lockport, NY
Susan, I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you, that you saved me. Things are completely different than when I started. I was going in the wrong direction and now things are completely different. I’m so much happier. It’s really an honor to work with you.
~ RB, Asheville, NC
What Inside Job Life Coaching is about
How to Allow is designed for you!
Get individual customized coaching to help you create the
positive changes you desire in your life, now.
The Coaching Platform
As the author of “How to Allow—Working with the Law of Attraction to Allow Your Natural Well-Being,” winner of Best of Books on Law of Attraction for 2012 and Finalist for 2015, “Endorsed Law of Attraction Coach” by Law of Attraction Magazine, and founder of “Inside Job Life Coaching—Shifting Your Inner Game and Creating Change Through Inspired Action,” I spend most of my time strategizing as to how to make this game of life easier and more fun. In our coaching relationship, I will have the privilege of sharing the game-changing mental shifts I’ve learned and applied on the path to tapping into the power we have been given to create the lives of our dreams. It’s not only doable, it’s the way we were intended to live! And, I’ve had proof positive that these strategies work in the lives of clients who have had amazing successes and made huge life-changing transformations.
A state of gratitude and appreciation for the things that are working in this life is an important part of the mindset or “Inner Game” we are looking to achieve. We will work on building a firm foundation for creating positive changes in your life by developing an appreciation mindset and the expectation that you can get anywhere from where you are right now.
In fact, a state of appreciation is actually better than a state of gratitude and represents an even higher vibration and mood. We will work on understanding that subtle difference and we’ll be talking about why both gratitude and appreciation are essential to transforming your life into a life you love.
There are key elements to making real change and it begins with you, not your coach. The beginning of the process of change involves self-acceptance, self-love and a forward Focus. And sometimes we will need to work on accepting and appreciating ourselves as part of that process. None of our existing problems can be solved by maintaining the same beliefs, attitudes and vibration that created them. So making peace with where we are and shifting into a forward focus will be a foundation of our transformational work.
Optimizing Your Environment
Enhancing or optimizing your environment will be an important part of our strategic plan. And, it’s actually fun and can generate almost immediate results. Improving your environment can involve not only improvements in your surroundings, but can include de-cluttering and eliminating things from your environment that are draining your energy and affecting your mood and vibration. Sometimes this strategic work involves a change in your home environment, a job change, a change of friends or significant others who are not supporting you, or upgrading certain skills you may need to move forward.
Mastery of Your Psychology (Your Mood, Vibe and Beliefs)
There is a very good reason that the words “Inside Job” are so prominently featured in our coaching platform. Every one of these key elements of the process of achieving our wants and goals is important. But ultimately, it all begins with what is going on inside our heads, our beliefs and expectations. A plan to improve our skills, improve our health or bodies, relationships, or our finances, rests always upon the attitudes, beliefs, expectations, and self-esteem with which we are operating. There are tools and more tools and tactics for mastering our moods and raising our vibration and they are an important part of transforming our lives. Strategies can take the form of visualization, meditation, affirmations, afformations, gratitude journals, vision boards, and more things than any of us can possibly do. And, some of these strategies work much better than others; some also work for some people and not for others. I’ve made a practice of testing these strategies and know what can be most effective in varying life circumstances. Learning how to use the appropriate tools that work for you and for your particular goals will be a critical part of mastering your psychology.
Goal and a Plan for Achieving Them
Of course, an important part of creating lasting change is taking inspired action toward achieving your goals. We often find out what we really want in our lives by noticing what we really don’t want and choosing it’s opposite. Those “don’t wants” seem to really get our attention. In a great plan for transformation, the goals will not be oriented toward problem solving, but toward creating the opposite of the problem. And, it does get fun when you realize your problem has already been solved for you and you start to see evidence of your desire coming into your life. And, any action plan will start with small steps that can be taken immediately to begin to change your momentum and move toward your desires.
Those small steps will not only build confidence and momentum but will actually begin to show you evidence that the big things are being transformed in the process. Does this seem like it could work for you? I would love to work with you to transform your life into a life you love.
About Me
Despite being aware for more than twenty years that we create our own realities with our thoughts, I continued to create mostly by default, rather than very deliberately. I found that the combination of making some basic commitments to myself and performing two simple daily rituals began to create dramatic results in my life. It is this simple system of two daily rituals, which forms the basis of my award-winning book, “How to Allow.”
My coaching program is based upon the principles of “How to Allow,” as well as effective cutting-edge tools I have refined for changing your mindset to one that is aligned energetically with the things you want to bring into your life.
I have also published “You’re Not Stuck–Let the Law of Attraction Allow Life to Happen For You and Start Living an Awesome Life.” “You’re Not Stuck” builds on the foundation laid in “How to Allow” by introducing new leading-edge tools and a light-touch approach for working with the Law of Attraction and the faster moving energy that is available to us now.
I have also appeared on Blog Talk Radio and Law of Attraction Radio on the subject of Allowing and am a featured contributor to the podcast Think Outside the Lines. I am an Expert contributor to and I have been recommended as a top Law of Attraction Coach by Law of Attraction Magazine (2015).
You’re Not Stuck:
Let the Law of Attraction Allow Life to
Happen For You and Start Living an Awesome Life

“You’re Not Stuck” is the new cutting edge guide that will finally explain why you may feel stuck in place while giving you easy tools to do something about it.
It’s a simple guide to manifesting with a light touch while letting go of the past, which is the key to creating the life you want.
If you’ve felt like you understand the LOA but don’t quite know how to apply it in your life, You’re Not Stuck provides real-life examples that can help you to know that you too can take control of your life.
If you are ready to start living your awesome life now, let You’re Not Stuck take you on a light, easy and entertaining journey that will help you to know that you are never really stuck and that you get to have it the way you want it.
What People are Saying About You’re Not Stuck
A Refreshing Approach to Manifesting
I loved this book! The new approaches to enhance manifesting what you want are explained in a way that is easy to follow and use immediately. Although I’m not new to the Law of Attraction, I found find this light-touch approach to have new tools that help to move you quickly into a focus on solutions rather than your current reality.
~ Happy Manifestor
Who Hasn't Felt Stuck?
This book had me at the title. Who among us has not felt stuck? Seems hard to let go of once it’s become a loop in your mind. This book somehow managed to easily convince me that of course I’M NOT STUCK! And from there really offered fun and easy to follow exercises and tools to expand my mind and my sense of what’s possible in my life. Highly recommend!
Helpful Tips for everyone!
I loved this book! I read it while going through a stressful time and it was both comforting and inspiring. Even though you could read this book in a day or two, I purposely took my time so that I could thoroughly enjoy the experience. Whether you are new to the law of attraction or experienced at manifesting your desires, You’re Not Stuck has helpful tips and anecdotes for everyone. This book helped me to realize that I was never stuck, and that the pathway to my desires is just as fulfilling and magical as the realization of my desires.
~ CL
Do you find that materials on the Law of Attraction don’t provide enough guidance
as to how your thoughts are creating your experiences?

Harness the Law of Attraction
to Create What You Want.
Wouldn’t you like to learn the real “Secret” for creating the things you want in your life, which is not the Law of Attraction, but the Art of Allowing? Wouldn’t it be great if every day were filled with more joyful moments, less work, and more ease and inspired action? Wouldn’t it be amazing if you realized that you really could create whatever you want in your life, achieve real results?
How to Allow is dedicated to inspiring you to create real life miracles, providing a roadmap for harnessing the Law of Attraction by using a simple system of daily rituals to Allow in your natural Well-Being.
What People are Saying About How to Allow
Moving from Constant Reading to Doing
I just wanted to say a very sincere thank you to you. I purchased your e-book and the corresponding audio and find that you
really have something fresh and unique to offer. I love the journaling with the prompts that you gave, and feel a real change. I was suffering from consuming book after book on this topic and other similar topics… but I was never doing anything concrete to put ideas into action. You have given me an amazing rest from the constant reading. Now I feel am doing.
~ From Reader email
The Best, Bar None
I just devoured “How to Allow” in one day and I believe your book is one of the best, bar none:) You made the concepts easy to understand and implement. I really enjoy using the Daily Tune-up because it helps me raise my vibration easily. What a concept: make feeling good your main objective and the rest will take care of itself.
~ Reader email from Kevin
Everything is Different
Love Susan Shearer Young’s book! I had read other Law of Attraction books and had even attended some workshops. This book gave me the tools I needed to consistently create the life I always dreamed of. Everything is different; my finances improved, relationships evolved, and new people and opportunities started showing up in my life effortlessly! Susan has a unique gift as a writer. She is able to take complex, esoteric ideas and break them down into easy and practical steps.