This partial hiatus has given me time to create more opportunities for both myself and my readers and clients, resulting in what I hope will be of great benefit to all of us. The individual time I’ve spent with clients has produced some incredible results, by any standard. If it weren’t for my commitment to confidentiality in my client relationships, I would love to blast out some of the seeming miracles, which have occurred as a result of our coaching relationship. We have achieved some serious results, including one financial windfall for a client (much deserved) that I am still celebrating whenever I think of it. I sometimes times feel like I’m still wrapping my head around it, as it was so spectacular, yet, obviously, our heads were completely into expecting that almost unbelievable creation or it would not have happened!
As I experienced how well this was working, and how helpful I could be to clients using the tools that we’ve applied, I knew that I was being prompted to step up the coaching aspects of my work, that what I have learned has value that I need to share with others on a larger scale.
I am back to frequent blog posts and more doses of inspiration through my new and expanded website at www.howtoallow.net. With the help of an amazing web-designer, the expansion of the site is well underway, with more and more content and opportunities to interact with clients and readers to follow. I decided to share this development before the site is at 100 percent, or perfection, before introducing the changes that are underway. After all, most of us know by now that we never get it done, so why wait?
At this moment, however, I would like to formally introduce what has become a more passionate part of my work over the last year, “Inside Job Life Coaching—Shifting Your Inner Game and Achieving Goals Through Inspired Action.” Although I have been coaching for a much longer stretch, I have been privileged to connect with some amazing clients during the last year, and have more completely realized the value of the coaching relationship and it’s ability to help anyone achieve extraordinary results. Naturally, if you’ve read my blogs or “How to Allow,” you know that a major focus of this coaching practice is changing your inner game, mastering your own psychology, your thoughts and expectations, to allow yourself to create amazing transformations in your life.
Even I have been amazed at the success that has resulted from the joint focus and working together to come up with a strategic plan for creating a life you love. I am certain that I benefit as much from each relationship as does each client.
The “Inside Job, Shifting Your Inner Game” platform involves not only mastering your focus and expectations, but making strategic changes in your environment and taking inspired actions to achieve your goals. And, of course, it involves a commitment to a plan. The act of making that commitment, in itself, seems to almost instantly result in evidence of positive change. The Universe hears your tone, your dedication to change, and pulls out all of the stops to assist, once your decision is made. And then everything seems to get easier and easier as more momentum is created and more inspired action is taken.
I welcome you to check out the new and improved site at www.howtoallow.net, and to check out the Coaching section, which provides more details regarding what you can expect in a coaching relationship, in addition to my dedication, respect, and absolute expectation that you will succeed. We can be a powerful combination.
Lastly, thank you for your support, your feedback, encouragement and appreciation, which makes all of this worthwhile and benefits me in ways I could have hardly imagined.
By the way, you will see on the site that a free coaching session, with no obligation of course, is offered for interested future clients. You can also contact me directly at susan@howtoallow.net.
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coaching session.
Please add us to your address book: www.howtoallow.net.
Email: Susan@HowToAllow.net