The one thing I believe I can say with complete certainty is that many, many people are feeling fairly uncertain about the future, about their future, right now.  Regardless of political or religious views, it feels like the future of our country and our world is up in the air.  Our recent election has caused incredible feelings of divisiveness and stress regarding how everything is going to play out.  And I think this uncertainty and stress applies to people with widely different political views.  Those who are unhappy with the election outcome are having feelings ranging from anger and sadness to fear and anxiety. Even those who are pleased with the political outcome were seeking change, which came from discomfort.  And, they are also confronting feelings of uncertainty and whether the change they hoped for will transpire.  The notion of being at peace with where you are as the foundation for creating your desires is not that easy to build in our current reality.

And, while many people have settled down after the fairly tumultuous election and aren’t feeling quite as far out on the raw and ragged edge, regardless of political affiliation, a sense of control and certainty are not widely shared feelings right now.  Not only did we watch and participate in a very unsettling election process, but we were reminded each day of people in dire situations in the Middle East, potential escalation, raging floods and wildfires, and more unsettling news about Ukraine and how that could possibly become worse than before, if that seems possible.

Okay, I’ve expressed the things and feelings that have been competing for my attention and sometimes interfering with my good vibration.  One thing I now know for sure about our energy and our power to create our realities is that we need to acknowledge and feel our feelings.  Ignoring or burying them does not lead to releasing them.  That does not mean that we stay there with those uncomfortable feelings.  We look for different perspectives, solutions, ways of being at peace with uncertainty.  And, it does not mean we cease being compassionate or caring about other people who are suffering.

I’m not suggesting at all that feeling the uncertainty and angst that many people are feeling is unwarranted or inappropriate. Yet, if we want to create joyful lives, the way we were meant to live, we need to find a way to make peace with that uncertainty and do what we can to allow ourselves to feel better, with integrity.

When we choose to maintain our own good vibration, we are, in turn, helping all of the people who are suffering and, of course, all of the people in our circle.  Our good vibration goes out into the world to create more of that!  When we are on the lower end of the emotional scale, we are not creating our best lives and we can’t be helpful to the people we care about in our lives or the people we are concerned about in the rest of our world.

It can be hard to feel at peace with uncertainty.  It can be hard to feel a lack of control.  Yet we can create those feelings of certainty and control in terms of how we choose to maintain our own vibrations and the perspectives we adopt to navigate a world in the midst of change.

In a conversation with a client this week, I appreciated her perspective after first feeling that crazy uncertainty and lack of control.  She said that it feels like life is more precious and that she is choosing to do things that feel good to her.  She feels less inclined to sweat work or family situations and is just moving away from drama.  She’s choosing to take more action on things she has been wanting in her life but not taking steps to accomplish until now.  That approach was a mutual conclusion and what I also have been shooting for as much as possible.

We can control our own vibration by choosing the best thoughts we can, by using our perceived negative experiences as demonstrating something we need to learn, and by appreciating all the things we possibly can about where we are now.  We can create a much smoother ride in what can feel like choppy waters.  And, when we do that we actually are contributing to a better outcome for all from all of the uncertainty.

It’s possible to even view the mayhem of recent months or more as helping us to remember what is actually important and that maintaining our own vibration, our own mood, is our most important mission.

This is not a one-and-done situation. These feelings of uncertainty and lack of control may crop up for some time. Yet, each time we handle them with the steps above, they become easier and easier to release. We can even arrive at the point where we begin to feel that uncertainty and think, “Oh, I almost forgot. That uncertainty actually reminded me of what’s important and how maintaining my vibration is my purpose. Thanks for that.”



As I’m writing this, I just received a text from one of my brothers that my niece just gave birth to a baby boy, a wonderful reminder of what’s important and that life does go on.  And there are new generations that will benefit from our efforts to maintain our vibes and create better and better circumstances for us all.




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