How could you find a way of eagerly anticipating new and better circumstances right now? How could you have the feeling that things are going to get better and better? You can. And, it doesn’t have to feel delusional or require enormous shifts in how you are thinking and feeling and the actions you are taking.
While this is often a very fun and festive time of year, it is also often loaded with extra tasks and responsibilities. We may be looking forward to the joy of the holidays but also feeling like we aren’t focused on our passion or our highest excitement. That is a theme I explore in my soon-to-be-released book, “Next-Level Manifesting–When Miracles Become the New Normal!” We are in the zone or have a great vibration when following what feels like our purpose, our highest excitement. We often feel less than enthusiastic when we’re not; our vibration reflects that. And, when we combine that with the extra holiday and end-of-year preparation, we can feel a combination of meh and overwhelmed. It’s not exactly a great vibe. And we aren’t setting ourselves up for those new and improved circumstances that we really want to create!
Yet, we don’t need to feel like we are falling short and miscreating. A slight shift can put us right on track.
Once again, we need to remind ourselves that our vibration is our top priority. We will want to worry less about details, getting everything done, and what anyone else is doing. Our choices can reflect our decision to make our mood what comes first without a major shift in how we handle the holiday and end-of-year crunch. How can we keep our vibration at the top of our list when we might be overwhelmed, overbooked, or less than inspired while we may not be able to focus on our highest excitement?
This may sound very simple and perhaps cliche, but the more I focus on it, the better I feel and the more I am reminded just how this simple approach to how we are “being” is just incredibly wise; it simply works!
The simple thing that we need to do is decide to make the best of whatever is going on right now. View it in the best possible light. Find whatever positive aspects may lie in our current circumstances. There are always some things to appreciate! Find the hidden benefits in the things that might seem challenging. There is always something there, or we wouldn’t have created the challenge. When we make the best of whatever we’re focused on, our future will be better than our now.
It can be easy to focus on the imperfection of our current circumstances or that some of our actions don’t feel like huge progress. Yet, it is always essential to be at peace with how things are now, even if imperfect. That is the foundation for allowing in what we want to create. Everything may not be perfect, but our reality is showing us more clearly what we do want. Without that clarity we would not be able to expand and create bigger and better things.
We may be feeling overwhelmed with work, nervous about spending on holiday gifts, having difficulty with travel arrangements, or gift-buying, which has been stressful rather than joyful. There may be family dynamics to consider. I will confess to sending a gift to the wrong person because of a stored address from an extension on a less-than-stellar website. I sent my client and friend a perfect gift, and then the app sent her another gift from another vendor. It wasn’t intended for her but was something I needed and was sending to myself. I did not keep thinking, “I will never get this sorted out,” after exchanging many emails with customer support. They never got the addresses right. It was almost laughable. I continued to think it would work out, and I didn’t allow it to interfere with my overall vibration, which was busy creating many good things. So, my friend got her original carefully chosen gift and also got to keep the errant gift. I also received what I had ordered, and my money was refunded. It turned out that she was very grateful for the unanticipated second gift, which I would not have thought of for her. All good! The good expands as we focus on making the best of things and expecting improvement.
None of this “small stuff” is life-changing, but it’s the kind of everyday hurdle that knocks us out of our good vibe when we are in the midst of it. We can begin to attract more and more negative thoughts, and our vibe is on its way into a downward spiral. We then often attract more of the mayhem. Generally, it is these little things that we can easily choose to view as destined to work out for us, and then they do. And. as they do, more things to appreciate show up for us. Things begin to be easier. Then the things we might define as more substantial manifestations also begin to flow in. We can start with making the best of whatever is in front of us in the moment.
I hope it’s not lost on you that when we make the best of each thing that we are thinking of and acting on now, our future can only be better than our now. Please let that sink in because it’s huge. As we focus on the best aspects of what we have going on right now, things have to keep getting better and better. So, we can also have that eager anticipation of the amazing circumstances that we want to create. We can know that they are on their way. It’s just the way that energy works.
This approach to our now, to our current reality, simplifies things. We can make the best of things now and look forward to our future as we enjoy what we have as much as possible. It’s a much more resistance-free zone that actually leads to manifesting more of our fondest desires. It’s what we are here to do and what we deserve.
I plan to make the best of everything right now, and I hope you do too. I’m also focusing on the joy I’m expecting in sharing the holidays with the people I love. Look at every situation for its best aspects and perhaps hidden benefits. And watch things get better and better and better.