I am fairly certain that abundance is like no subject other than perhaps romantic relationships, where most of us have, at some point, hit a brick wall when it comes to manifesting.  We put it in a special class, where we consider it difficult to come by.  I now know that the brick wall is all of our own making.  And it doesn’t need to be as complicated as we make it.


In the case of financial abundance, we generally have an “abundance” of fixed ideas about whether we are worthy, good enough, or skilled enough to get just what we want.  Are we good enough at what we do to earn our money?  Are we smart enough?  Do we have the financial know-how that people who make lots of money seem to have?  And these fixed ideas are generally the tip of the iceberg.   Most of us have ingrained familial beliefs about money.  Many well-intentioned people have taught us that money is scarce and hard to come by, only available to people who come “from money,” not us.  It’s understandable.  When money has been scarce for our family or many of the people in our orbit, we are focused more on the lack of money in our lives than the possibility of allowing it into our lives.

Money, in particular, for many of us, also seems to have some very unique and mysterious characteristics and ways of being created.  There are rules, there are numbers, there are rates, and economic policies.  It requires very hard work.  Although many of us may understand how energy works, and realize that we are creating our realities with the thoughts we are thinking, we still often put money in its own category where the laws of energy don’t apply in the same way.  Um, who said so?

So, let’s dispense with that state of mind as quickly as possible.  The laws of energy, the Law of Attraction, our vibration, and our thoughts operate in the same way and with the same power when it comes to money as they do when it comes to manifesting a phone call, a new friend, or a gift or a compliment, or any of the synchronicities that happen for most of us all of the time!  For many of us, those incredible synchronicities have become easy, and they happen often.  Sometimes I feel like I need to pinch myself!  But I now expect those things and focus on appreciating them rather than being shocked and awed.  It’s still always very cool when those things happen.

All of the tools that we use to get ourselves into a higher vibration are having an impact on the flow of money into our lives in the same way they are affecting the other things that we create.  When we have a higher vibration and are feeling emotions on the higher end of the emotional scale, money is not excluded from the things we are attracting.  It’s all the same stuff, the same energy.

Making an effort to release some of those false beliefs about money and how it’s different from everything else in the Universe is a major step in allowing money to flow into our lives in the same way we create other good things.

Beliefs that we often have about money that just aren’t true or helpful:

Money is not spiritual.

People who have lots of money are greedy or uncaring.

Money is a fixed pie.  When we have more money, we are taking it away from others.

Living abundantly and treating ourselves well is selfish.

Money involves lots of luck.

Spending money on something we need or deserve is scary because we might run out.

Some people are good at making money because they were born into that way of life.

It’s worth considering whether any of those very unhelpful and false beliefs are in your repertoire.  There are generally several responses to each of those false beliefs that are actually true and in alignment with allowing more money into our lives.

In a nutshell, having money is essential to enjoying our lives in the world that we are in, and enjoying this life is part of our life purpose.  When we have more money, we can take better care of ourselves.  When we take better care of ourselves we can be more helpful to others and actually inspire others by example.  We can be more generous with others in need when we have more money.  Money is not a matter of luck but vibration, like everything else in the Universe.  Being good with our money, using it on things that bring us joy while also feeling that we are being responsible, actually causes more money to flow in.  Spending money in that way sends out a vibration that says, “I’m not worried about money, and I care about myself.  I’m just good with money.”  Both spending money and saving money in a way that feels good when we do it, are aligned with more money flowing into our lives.  Spending money on things we really value and feel we deserve, and saving money not out of fear but because it feels good to have it for whatever we might want or need are both aligned with financial abundance.

Challenging those old limiting beliefs and replacing them with an attitude that reflects the fact that money is just energy like everything else is moving us in the direction where money flows easily into our lives.

Another very important shift in our thinking can open the doors to an easy flow of money into our lives.

             Consider a broader definition of abundance that doesn’t merely include money.  We already have an abundance of so many things in our lives.  When we take note of the things we have in our lives right now that bring us joy, and we milk them and appreciate them, we are attracting more abundance in all forms, including money.  Appreciating one thing attracts other unrelated things to appreciate.

Also, reminding ourselves often that we are not just physical beings here to face challenges but spiritual beings here to experience joy and expansion also changes the way we can imagine money coming into our lives.

When we are tuned into our whole selves, including our Inner Being, we receive more inspiration, our ability to perceive things is heightened, and things become easier.  When we try to connect with our whole selves in that way, through meditation, channeling our Inner Being, or even just hitting pause often to become quiet, we open ourselves up to more opportunities for money to flow into our lives with more ease.  We are using all of our power rather than the more limited ideas we might come up with by just thinking about money.

When we operate from the perspective of our Inner Being, a part of Source Energy, the means of money flowing into our lives may be unexpected and effortless or involve inspired action on our part.  That inspired action could be as simple as sending an email, connecting with someone, or doing something we enjoy that results in a financial benefit.  The avenues through which money can flow to us in this faster-moving energy environment we are experiencing now are beyond what we have come to expect.  Be open to money flowing to you in ways you might not have anticipated.  And, when more money flows in, you will have more money to flow into our world, where it goes out to benefit others in unforeseen ways.  It’s a win-win.

Abundance is abundance is abundance.  Let’s appreciate all of the abundance we have and move into a new mindset where we no longer limit ourselves when it comes to money.  It’s just one form of abundance, and we live in a very abundant Universe that is here to be enjoyed and appreciated.  Things can be much easier when we allow them to be.


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