Dove On A Window SillI’ll be the first to admit that some people might think this story just amounts to a bunch of random coincidences. But, I know that lots of you will see this as an incredible example of the way the Universe lines things up to show you that you are on the right track, that you are being supported constantly by Infinite Intelligence.  The odds are stacked for you.

During the summer, I noticed a large female dove sitting on a small nest on a tiny, thin branch, which hung out over the middle of our yard. I felt so much compassion for her. Every time the wind blew, I would think, “Is that nest going to blow to the ground before her egg is ready?” To make matters worse, during this particular summer, we had our two large dogs and cat who considered the yard and our whole street, for that matter, their territory. I’ve rescued quite a few small animals but sometimes it is just too late and I’ve learned to let nature take it’s course. In this case, I couldn’t imagine how a baby dove would make it when it’s first step out of the nest could land it right in the middle of our dogs’ self-made path across the yard. And, let’s not even think about the cat, quite the hunter. Well, I looked out the window as I was working and saw that the three amigos had the baby dove. I hadn’t seen it leave the nest but it was too late. Not a great moment.  I felt so badly for the mother and the baby dove.  She had been such a trooper.

A few weeks later, I saw that the mother dove was back on the same nest. Oh geez, I thought, this is just never going to work. How can I possibly protect this second baby dove from the clutches of animals being animals? I had ideas of trying to fence off the area with some string so the dogs couldn’t get to it. That would never work. Further lame ideas followed. And then, an opportunity came up, which was totally unexpected. Our kids were going to come down and we were all going away for a ten-day vacation. Our dogs would be in a kennel and our cat would be taken care of inside only. I didn’t really put two and two together and think that this could actually result in the dove hatching safely while we were gone. But it did. I had been obsessed about saving that dove and that poor mother who had lost her baby after so much time spent sitting in the wind and rain on that tiny nest. And, the Universe solved the problem perfectly. No one else in the family was aware of the timeliness of our trip.

CAM00160-3Flash forward, this Thanksgiving I was getting in the car and my two sons said, “Uh oh Mom, I think we’ve got a sick bird here.” There was a small dove sitting motionless in the grass near my sons. Even with all of us standing nearby it didn’t move. It didn’t look promising. I walked closer and bent down to check on it and it flew across the yard, landed and began walking around. There was nothing wrong with it whatsoever. I thought, well it’s good to see the dove. Maybe, just maybe, it’s showing me it appreciates how much I wanted to save it. Or, maybe I’m crazy, as in delusional.

Yet, when we moved on to Thanksgiving dinner, the place card at our table had the name Young, the number of guests and the word “Dove.” Really?  Where did that come from?  I’ll let you be the judge. I thought it was an excellent confirmation that I was reading my signs correctly and that there are thousands of invisible helpers out there, always leading us toward the manifestation of our desires.

So now, just to clinch this story, there were probably 50 or so doves in our yard the next morning.  None of us saw them gathered like that anywhere else.  A magical story for a magical season.  Appreciate everything!

Check out “How to Allow,” newly available at and in paperback.  It’s filled with stories of apparent miracles and of the Universe delivering on our desires in amazing ways.  I’ve been told that reading “How to Allow,” not only teaches you how to raise your vibration but makes you feel hopeful.  Hope so!!

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