More and more people are shifting their focus as they become aware of their starring role in the process of creating the circumstances of their lives; as a result many people are branching out on their own, choosing to be self-employed, to offer their own creations to the world.

There is even a newly formed Self-employed Abe group, which I’m happy to have been included in.


I’ve saved this incredible post from Frank Butterfield, aka, Paul and the Communion of Light,  relating to our “creations,” for some months now, and it has inspired me each time I have looked at it on my desk.  It is worth setting forth in full here because it is so powerful:


“IT’S NEVER TOO LATE TO FALL IN LOVE WITH YOUR DELICIOUS CREATIONS.  We really want you to get this because it’s so delicious.  Really and truly.  Whatever you are offering, be they widgets or services or just fries to go with that, it doesn’t matter.  What you are offering is what is WANTED and not what is NEEDED.  Who would want to feel that kind of neediness?  It’s sticky and a bit awful.  And it certainly makes it difficult for your customers to WANT to part with their delicious cash.  What you want is for your products and your services to be delicious products that are wanted.  They are amazing gifts.  They are like presents under the tree or just waiting to be given, wrapped in the nicest paper, and tied up with a bow.  And, wow, what’s inside?  Why, much more than any paper or bow could indicate.  Juicy, juicy delights are waiting to be uncovered.  What you are offering, always, is the WANTED end of your product or service stick.  The quality that you imbue them with, considering how you think about them, how you consider them, the vibration you give to them . . . This quality is what your customer will be relating to and will be interpreting whenever they read about, pick up, hear about, or just plain think about your products and services.”


It is sometimes easier said than done to keep remembering what a wonderful product you’ve created when you are focused on “this has to sell, and sell now.”  Your creation can become all tied up with lots of other issues.  And, those other issues only slow down the speed at which your delicious creation gets out into the world.  First, there could be cash flow pressure, maybe family finances pressure, questions in your own mind of whether you or your product are worthy of big sales.  You’ve put yourself out there in the world, no small feat, and declared to the world that this is Who You Are.  You are selling this product or service because it is Who You Have Become; it represents your best efforts.  And, it’s easy to sometimes question how you ever thought you could pull it off.

Well, I’ve been there, and still go there, on occasion.  And, it’s not a fun place to be and it does nothing to help me get my book and coaching services and blog posts out into the world.  In fact, it has the opposite effect.  So, I know what I need to do when that dip occurs, luckily not too often.  I re-read my book.  I read the testimonials from people whose lives have improved dramatically since they purchased “How to Allow“.  I remember how this is something I’ve wanted to do for as long as I can remember and all of the signs from Source along the way pointing me in this direction.  I mean, those signs were serious and not to be ignored and I’m grateful for them!  I also know that Source does not call through you the desire to do something unless you have the talent to do it.  Somewhat analogously, I took this huge leap when I decided to try oil painting after having had no formal artistic training.  Well, they may only be my own masterpieces but they are not bad and I have them hanging in my living room.  I never imagined that I could paint something I’d be willing to exhibit to friends and family and visitors.  In fact, I just love my paintings.  They’ve become some of my most prized possessions.  I know I must’ve had some Divine Intervention or help from above but I’m so glad I took the chance.  I’ve concluded that the desire is not coming through you unless you’re capable of pulling it off.  A good thing to remember!

So, it’s not too late to fall in love again with whatever it is you are creating.  And, it doesn’t have to be something you are selling.  It’s never too late to fall in love with any of your creations.  What will follow is that shift into the Field of Appreciation, where you’ll find more and more to appreciate and where your creations will shine for all they are worth, which is plenty.

I, for one, am choosing to love my creations.  I love “How to Allow,” and I’m proud of it.  I love my blog posts and I love the way I’ve been able to help people find solutions.  I love the way people have changed their lives after reading my book. And, I’m going to remember that as often as I can.  I’m providing information for people who are searching for and attracting this information.  So what other way should I view my creations?  There really is no other way and it’s a guarantee of inevitable success.  It’s just the way the Law of Attraction works.

Looking forward to hearing about your delicious creations and strategies for staying in that Field of Appreciation when you’re involved in selling your creations.




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