There is no one that I know who has not felt some sense of overwhelm or hopelessness in recent weeks.  We can feel like we’re doing our best to cope and maintain our emotional balance and then it seems that something else gets added to the mix that ramps it up to another level.


It has felt like some version of bizarro world.  You’re thinking that “they can’t make this stuff up” and I will no longer be surprised and then one more news report surfaces that sucks the wind out of you.  It can feel immobilizing.  You are not alone if you’ve been feeling like “and now what?”  How are we supposed to focus upon staying on our path and creating the lives we want when it feels like the world is on fire?


When I was in the grocery store yesterday, wearing a mask, keeping my distance, trying to just get in and get out, I noticed that everyone was extra friendly.  Even with masks on you can still tell when people smile at you because their eyes crinkle.  The guy at the grocery check-out was kind, helpful and told me my bag of mandarin oranges was “on the house” because the price wasn’t scanning.  In our very brief conversation, he said “people should be complaining less about all of this and be thinking about how they can be a better person.”  I told him, of course, that I agree and that I spend most of my time trying to help people to do just that and that I appreciated him being there for all of us.  At that moment I wasn’t feeling like the world was on fire.


There have definitely been moments of kindness and compassion where people are stepping up and helping each other.  There are moments when it feels like we are all in this together and it’s the time, if there ever has been one, to focus upon what we can do to be a better version of ourselves.  These conspiring events have created a unique environment that can actually work to our advantage.  And, apparently, we are also getting some help from a more aerial perspective to do just that.  And, we wouldn’t want to miss the opportunity.


There are two major things at play here that are actually creating a unique moment in time for us to make life-altering changes for the better.


The first very unique thing about all of these very challenges occurring at once is that it is virtually impossible to go on thinking the same tired thoughts, maintaining the same beliefs, and repeating the same behaviors over and over and expecting things to change for the better.  Remember, that’s the definition of insanity right?  Yet, it’s typically very easy to stay busy, fill our time with errands, commuting, work, chores, socializing, and keeping things afloat and not bother to think about how we really want to be living.


That frantic activity has been stripped away and most of us have been isolated, at least to some extent, from the people, the activities, and the patterns that have allowed us to keep operating on auto-pilot and wondering why we feel stuck.


We would be missing out on a very important opportunity in this world turned upside down scenario if we did not use some of this time to check in with ourselves, our Inner Beings, to ask ourselves what kind of person we want to be, how we want to live.  Some of the pain we are feeling over the losses that so many are experiencing, the loss of income, loss of jobs, loss of physical presence with people they love, and even loss of life, shouldn’t be squandered. More people are waking up right now than ever before.  It’s no accident.


The other very epic quality of this moment in time is that as we’ve been forced to take less action in recent months, we’ve received more energy for creating our realities.  We literally have more of the energy that creates worlds flowing through us and available to us than we have ever had in our lifetimes.  And, the other-worldly assistance that we receive from our invisible helpers in the Universe has also intensified in response.


Rather than feeling fearful or hopeless, we can benefit from the new energies here on our planet and the extra personal energy that we have acquired through this seemingly crazy time in our world.  We have an opportunity to manifest our desires more quickly than ever before.


Start with something small.  Demonstrate to yourself that it’s easier than ever before to manifest something you’d like in your life.  Build your confidence and then keep reaching to see just what more you can do as a conscious creator.  In facing our current challenging circumstances, we have an opportunity to begin to create a new world.


This perspective feels much better than overwhelm and hopelessness and can only lead to better and better.


Many thanks to Daniel Scranton at for sharing his gifts and the information we need, especially now.


If you would like some support in channeling this new energy into the life you’ve been wanting, you can schedule an exploratory coaching session at




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