Could it actually be possible to not only feel healthier and “younger” but also have a body that appears “younger”?

Yes, yep, oh yeah.

I’m putting the word “younger” in quotation marks for the moment as I want to challenge the way we think about the so-called aging process.

Put simply, physical decline is not inevitable and it has much to do with what we are expecting.

I’ve written about this before and I’ll share that post with you as a good foundation for what I’m going to propose here.

I’ve continued to learn more on the subject since writing that post and seen the evidence for myself that we do not need to buy into the common beliefs about “aging.” We can age chronologically without many of the physical changes that we’ve come to expect as a natural part of time passing.

I’m going to propose an approach that will seem simple, and actually is simple, if you will give it a chance to be. 

We’ve talked quite a bit about developing clarity about what you want in your life, creating the “preferential you.” Knowing what you really want is the foundation for creating your life deliberately rather than sloppily.

Once you’ve made your preferences clear to yourself and the Universe, you’re putting out a different radio signal. I’d definitely recommend WRITING DOWN those preferences and being very clear about what you want and why you want it.

Those preferences are now your North Star. When you notice that you are having thoughts that are out of alignment with those preferences, congratulate yourself for noticing.

Don’t beat yourself up. 

Take a moment to think about what belief was creating that negative thought. Feel it. Feel it fully and then choose an accurate belief and accompanying thought that represent the new and preferential you.

Engaging in this process is changing your vibration. When you then consider how the preferred you, the best version of you, would act in the moment and actually take that action, you’re putting powerful forces in motion.

So, I’m going to suggest now using the technique of hitting pause, and doing it often. This very simple technique is not only going to transform the circumstances of your life but also change the physical you if you Allow it.

When you find yourself in a situation that is not what you would choose,  realize that you have an option as to your next act. HIT PAUSE before you react in a way that reflects a negative perspective that is not coming from the preferred version of you.

Just hit pause. It’s not difficult.

Now you have awareness and the option of taking a positive action that reflects how you choose to vibrate and to live.



When someone cuts you off in traffic you can lose your composure and allow it to ruin your day. Or, you could remind yourself that you prefer happiness and ease in your life, that it’s not worth it. Your next thought might be that you have no idea what might be going on with that person, what difficulties they might have in their life.

And, you can remind yourself that maintaining your good vibration is your top priority. Rather than laying on the horn or burying your anger, you hit pause. You feel the anger for a moment and then you decide that your next action will instead be to take a deep breath and focus upon the good song you have playing in your car. Done.

When someone makes a snarky comment or appears to have no filter whatsoever, you can choose to hit pause.

You might feel annoyed. 

Anyone would. 

You let yourself feel it. 

You can then remind yourself of what you prefer for yourself. You prefer peace, not that. The next thought that comes to you will more likely be, that’s on them, not me. That has absolutely nothing to do with me. And, the next action you take will be to redirect yourself toward something that you want to pay attention to, not the snarky person.

It will not take many positive actions in a row to yield positive results that build up enough momentum than then begins to overwhelm your old negative momentum.

When you continue to hit pause and react from your preferred attitude and perspective, you will begin to see physical changes in your body. Those changes will not merely be reflected in your appearance but the state of your genetic health.

Your body is a reflection of your consciousness, period. 

So, it’s time to start loving your body. It will change to whatever degree you Allow it.



Life becomes so much easier and more fun when we feel healthy and energized. And, having an appearance that reflects that energy feels so much better than feeling like you are in decline.

Your willingness to act in accordance with Who You Really Are, who you wish to be, will simply result in redefining your body. Notice the changes as they begin to occur, which can begin in as few as three days. Things can move more quickly the more you Allow the preferred you to call the shots.

When you change your consciousness, you change everything, including your energy level and the appearance of your body. You are also of huge benefit to the people in your life that you care about. Why don’t you be the one to demonstrate to others that this is not only possible but absolutely awesome?



If you’d like some help in defining the preferred you and redefining your life and your body, I’d be happy to help.

When you are doing something that feels so cutting edge and beyond most people’s beliefs, it can be good to have some support.

You can reach me at or

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