I’ve had a couple of occasions recently where my days were more than interesting, they were just as if I snapped my fingers and person after person and circumstance after circumstance lined up so perfectly, I felt like I needed to pinch myself. Now, I often manifest good things.  And, I sometimes have days that have some contrast, like everyone else. But, this has been a bit different.


It has felt like I was in some sort of magical dimension or, as I received intuitively yesterday, the Zone of Plenty. And, on these recent occasions I’ve naturally been asking myself, what did I just do that resulted in feeling like I am wandering through Disneyland and everyone wants to help me?  And, then I listened to a very interesting A-Hicks conversation today, and it confirmed what I had been thinking but about, but upon which I was delighted to get more clarity.


Here’s how it went down in one case. Yesterday, I had a fairly short time to get some work done as I had an afternoon appointment and would need to run some errands. I thought to myself, what will make me feel good, as if I’ve taken some inspired action in my work, as I usually have more time available to get productive work accomplished? So, I took several small actions, contacting certain people, creating a post that I thought would inspire others, things that would promote the momentum of my work. I also had a couple of small things (I’m deliberately calling them small) that were causing me to feel a little contrast so I did my Daily Tool from “How to Allow.” If you’re not familiar, although I hope you will be, it involves writing yourself into a good vibration from wherever you are until you are writing about things in the present tense (scripting) what you intend to bring into your life. Check out “How to Allow,” for the writing tool and lots of examples of how you might use it to get into a good feeling vibe. (www.howtoallow.net)  51wX+VNcy9L-2


I wrote myself right around those things that were giving me a bit of worry, and got to a place where I was feeling okay about them and then, actually optimistic that everything was working out for me, that I am in exactly the right place at the right time. Then I meditated. After meditating the words popped into my head “Zone of Plenty.” Okay, Zone of Plenty. Never heard of it, not exactly words I would use so I paid attention and thought “I’d like to see what this Zone of Plenty looks like. I’d like to see some confirmation of this Zone. And, I think I’m going to want to be in there.” By the way, as I’m writing this I can feel that I’m in there now, as my whole body is tingling, and I’m just sitting at my desk knowing that I love writing this stuff. Hmmmm, “Zone of Plenty.”


On my errands yesterday, I stopped first to buy some canned dog food for my very large dog that has a very large appetite. The last time I was at this pet store, I asked if I could buy a case of the cans and was told that they don’t sell it by the case. I then had to figure out how to maneuver lots of cans, with no cart, over to the register. Well today, I asked where to find the same canned food and asked if they possibly had a case of it. Not only do they apparently sell it by the case, but someone went into the back to get it for me as he said it was a much better deal by the case and I’d receive a big discount. Interesting. Was this the same store I had been to a couple of weeks ago? I then received some kind of discount from points I had accrued there and the dog food just did not cost much at all. Not typical.  


I moved on to pick up dry-cleaning and had a hilarious conversation with a woman who was getting her daughter’s wedding dress cleaned and preserved. Let’s just say the clerk was a little cavalier about “washing” the dress and the woman and I both appreciated the humor in the situation. I left smiling. Onto Starbucks drive-through. The guy at the drive through said “Hey, how are you, as if we were old friends. I do go there a fair amount but it was friendly, warm, and okay, a little flirty, but harmless. At this age I’m okay with getting an extra nice smile from a young Starbucks guy.  They are a great bunch and often give me treats for my dog.


I moved on to get my haircut and again, perfection. Great conversations. Hair looked awesome and I was treated beautifully by everyone at the salon. Just a really nice experience. While I was captive in the hairdresser’s chair, I was looking online for some new sneakers I really wanted and wanted quickly. I found them but they would take a week to get online and the site indicated that there were none in stock at the local Nordstrom’s. I thought, “I’m on such a roll, I’ll just stop at Nordstrom’s anyway just in case they might have the shoes.” Well, you know where this is going. They had the shoes, in my color and size (I’m wearing them now). The salesman was super helpful and found the last one in my size on the display.


Now, it’s time to leave and it is raining so hard outside that the rain is blowing sideways. No one is leaving the store but just standing at the door. And, hey, I had just gotten my hair blown dry. No way was I going out in that. I then see a text from my youngest son asking if it’s a good time to talk; and I did really need to circle back with him on a couple of things that were going on relating to his upcoming graduation.  So, I sat down on a table at one of the shoe displays and had a great and funny conversation with my son while waiting for the rain to stop. Every person that walked by gave me a smile. And, I felt really good about connecting with Parker on a bunch of things and got to send him good vibes for his exam today.  Yep, that little guy is about to graduate!

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So, time to leave and still raining but it had really slowed down. I finessed a head cover suggested by another customer who had an umbrella and made it out to my car. I glanced up to see actually the most amazing rainbow, I should say double rainbow, that I’ve ever seen in my life, including in Hawaii. And, this was in the Nordstrom’s parking lot. It wasn’t your typical faint rainbow. You could see both sides of the larger rainbow and it literally looked like someone had just painted it in the sky. The colors were vivid and the lines were crisp. Song playing in my car at the time, “Dog Days Are Over, Good Times Have Begun.” Pretty appropriate. I was taking a photo of the rainbows and noticing others doing the same. Naturally conversations ensued. I think we were all in that Zone of Plenty. One woman said that she thought the rainbows appeared because Duran Duran is coming to DC tonight. She was obviously very happy about that. Another guy and I were just like whhaaaaat? I could see him still laughing all the way to his car. We didn’t get the Duran Duran connection but clearly she did.


So, this was a long story about a series of small things but the feeling was pure happiness, the entire time. And, isn’t this the reason that we want anything that we are trying to manifest, that is, because we think it will make us happy? So, I was pondering that magnificent Zone of Plenty today and thinking about writing a post when I saw that a friend posted a wonderful recording from an A-Hicks seminar.  The biggest thing that struck me from Abe’s assessment of some of the amazing manifestations that this woman had experienced was the importance of “getting out ahead of it.” It was suggested that we focus on things that are easy to feel positive aspects about, before we’re in “situations.” It was explained that the more we get out ahead of it, the less likely we are to react in a negative way. We’re more likely to see the situation the way Source sees it.



Now, I already knew all of this, yet I have to admit that it was a wonderful reminder and a validation of what I had done yesterday. At the start of my day everything was not perfect. I took some inspired actions to cause myself to feel better about my work project. And, then I did my Daily Tool from How to Allow and really got myself into alignment on just about everything. And, I meditated. Then the words “Zone of Plenty” revealed themselves to me. I’m pretty sure they weren’t my words. And, it was no coincidence that I saw this A-Hicks post when I was pondering just how amazing my day was yesterday and how much I want every day to be like that.


So, the take away here is, “Get out ahead of it.” It need only take a few minutes and it can change everything.  Line yourself up by finding things to feel good about before you take action, encounter people, circumstances and situations. And, it’s likely that you’re going to find yourself in the Zone of Plenty, where everything is happening for your benefit.


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Definitely in the Zone of Plenty here.  Hope Parker is in there for his exam today.  He nearly always is.


If you’d like to talk about more strategies for getting out ahead of things with your alignment, let me know.  I’m happy to help.  And, I love helping people to make big changes.



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