LOA Leaders book med

It seems lots of people were inspired by the last post about having a “Dream Team,” and I have to say that putting that aspect into my meditation routine has been unbelievably helpful. The seas have parted for me on a number of issues. It’s so nice to have friends in high places. If you didn’t see the last post it is on the site www.howtoallow.net under recent blog posts, “Could You Have Your Own Dream Team?”

So, rather than my standard post, I wanted to use this blog post to share some news which has been really wonderful for me in so many ways. I was surprised and happy, happy, happy to find out that my book “How to Allow,” received an award for “BEST LOA BOOK 2012.” Details about the award and other awards for Law of Attraction leaders in coaching, writing and speaking, can be found at www.loaleaders.com.

I was asked to be interviewed on a radio show this week, hosted by Jeannette Maw and Lisa Hayes on blog talk radio, which can be found at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/gvca/2013/06/17/loa-leaders-awards—susan-young. I was honored to be interviewed by such LOA mavens and to receive their appreciation and support for my work in the Art of Allowing.

I did mention to Jeannette and Lisa, that while I was really over the moon happy to have “How to Allow,” be considered a best book on Law of Attraction for 2012, I was perhaps even more happy that winning that award proved the validity of my techniques for being a deliberate creator of our life circumstances. My book was a true labor of love, and written to help me and others simplify the process of creating our own realities. As part of my daily rituals, I would often repeat, “my book is really one of the best, or maybe the best, book out there right now on LOA. I know it can help lots of people to really understand how LOA works and to get the concept of ‘Allowing’.”  So  .  .  .  needless to say, I am especially pleased to know that I am a great deliberate creator and that my efforts at writing a book which is “the best or one of the best” succeeded; my thoughts about my book (my vibration) lined up with my desire to write that book.  And, that is what the joyful journey we are seeking is all about, to try, and then succeed at creating our fondest desires.  To see that we can create just what we want, well it just doesn’t get any better.  You begin to realize, finally, that you really can be, do or have anything you want.  4837118366_e981459a47_z

Because hearing about others’ successes as deliberate creators always helps me in such a big way, as there is nothing like a practical example to demonstrate how it’s done, I wanted to share my story about writing an award winning book. I asked, the Universe answered, and I lined up with it by writing and then believing that my book is worthy of a Best of 2012 Award. And that is “How to Allow.”  And, I’m extremely grateful to the Universe, my Dream Team and all of you who have been so kind in sharing your appreciation and successes.

Many thanks to all of you for your support and stories. I’d love to hear more about your efforts to create the life you really desire.

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