Please sit down (drumroll) as you receive the very best formula for raising your vibration! When I initially listened to this material from the spiritual teacher known as Bashar, it resonated with me in a big way. But, my next thought, and what your first thoughts may be when you read this was, “Yes but, how do I do that? And, I’m not even sure what “it” is.”
The so-called “formula” for raising your vibration and manifesting the things you want is to “take action on the opportunity that creates the highest excitement.” Hmmmm. Okay. That feels right. When I’m acting on things that are exciting, my vibration is going to be in a pretty good place. But, it begs a few questions.
- What do I find exciting in my life now?
- What could I find exciting in my life now?
- How can I follow my highest excitement when I have to pay my bills, take care of my kids, do the laundry, buy groceries?
- Is there actually anything exciting that’s within my range of possibilities?
Excitement. What is it really? It’s defined as “a feeling of great enthusiasm and eagerness.” Does that feel a bit more comfortable as a definition to you? It does to me. The word excitement can feel like a bit of a stretch when you think of finding something that’s actually exciting to do now or in the immediate future and finding the space in your life to do it.
But, doing something that feels like enthusiasm and eagerness feels a little bit closer to home and attainable.
Bashar suggests that:
The highest excitement doesn’t have to come in the form of a project or career. As long as an option contains even a little more excitement than any other option, act on it first. Excitement is your body’s physical translation of a communication from your higher mind. Respond to it by acting on the excitement. Use all of your skills, talents, imagination and abilities in taking the action. Act on that excitement with absolutely zero insistence or assumption with respect to a specific outcome. Understand that insistence on a specific outcome, manifestation or path may actually prevent a better manifestation than you imagined.
The best way of getting to this place where we can define our own “highest excitement” and find the room to actually take action on those things that create excitement (enthusiasm and eagerness) is to do the thing that you can think of that feels a little bit better than you’re feeling right now. Even if you’re feeling pretty good in the moment, how could the moment be even better? If you find yourself “needing” to do something that you’re not enthusiastic about but you know you will feel better if you do it, play some really good music while you’re doing it. Create some sort of fun ritual while you get it done. That alone will have bumped up your vibe. Then, notice the next thing that you feel even the least bit inspired to do. We’re talking step, by step, by step. By taking those small steps toward following your “highest excitement” in the moment, you will arrive at the place where you will know and be inspired to do what would actually be fun, enjoyable, possibly even “lit,” as in “something that is f______ amazing in any sense.”
Could you actually get to that point where you could make space in your day for something that feels “f______ amazing”? Yes, you could.
If something that creates feelings of enthusiasm or eagerness or, yikes, even is actually “lit,” might be beyond your current comfort zone, think about how you could turn feelings of fear into excitement. We often confuse the two. Something that initially makes you feel anxious when you think of doing it is actually somewhere in the vicinity of excitement, more often than not. If you feel genuine anxiety or fear and it’s a strong gut feeling, it’s an obvious “no.” But, if it feels like, hell yeah, that might be fun but . . . it feels a little scary to think about, give it a little more airtime. See what develops.
Bashar suggests that acting on this formula with integrity aligns you with the complete tool kit of excitement that:
Provides every form of support, abundance or information you need.
Becomes the driving engine that moves you forward.
Acts as the organizing principle that shows you what to act on in what order and when.
Presents you with the path of least resistance to flow through life.
Connects you to all other expressions of your excitement no matter what form they come in.
Becomes the reflecting mirror that reveals anything within your beliefs that is out of alignment with your true vibration of excitement.
Leaves nothing relevant out.
I hope it isn’t lost on you that this tool kit of excitement kind of covers all of the bases! The tool kit itself is lit!
I’m encouraging you to start with the first thing you can think of that would make this moment a little better. Could you improve the space where you are working, go to a different place to do your work today, play great music, take a moment to goof off in a way that you usually don’t? Could you plan to do something that you used to love but no longer take time for? Could you listen for something new that is calling you now?
I love writing blog posts and so I chose to follow my highest excitement by doing this. I also love painting and I haven’t done it for quite awhile. That is going to happen. I would love it if readers would share some ideas of what might be even a bit exciting that you’re doing or planning to do.
When we do that, we’ve got this. All of our desires flow from this. So, for the moment, forget about manifesting the money, the relationship, the improved health, or the new house. Follow your highest excitement and let the Universe deliver all of that stuff. It’s VERY GOOD AT IT. You might say the Universe is lit.
If you’d like to chat about creating your “highest excitement” on a regular basis, drop me a line at or comment on this post!
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coaching session.
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How can you follow your highest excitement when you don’t know what it is??
That’s a great question! I think it can feel daunting to use the term “excitement,” yet I think that’s the ultimate goal. I know that, for many of us, there are times when it feels like exciting is too big a stretch. We just can’t even conceive of something, at this moment, that would be “exciting.” So, I believe that path to figuring that out is to choose the most enjoyable, fun, satisfying, productive, or whatever adjective you can conjure, idea/action to focus upon and take action upon from what’s available now. Doing that often should lead to a higher default vibration, more inspiration, and soon, clarity about what is truly your highest excitement. It was a revelation for me when I realized what that was! I hope this is helpful.
I’ve totally been following these steps at work without knowing it. My job can be a real drag; tons of paperwork, numbers, calculations, but a few years ago I learned to create a game of it and challenge myself each day and, inturn, I learned to love math, numbers, and thousand line spreadsheets.
People at work ask me when I’m going to take my head out of my computer:-) I tend to lose track of time doing my work and I tend to be very productive and I get things done easily and it doesn’t feel like work. My bosses love me but my co-workers, not so much. If only I can shield myself from low vibes at my work place(s)…. I’ll be working on that next.
I love the way you’ve been handling your work situation. Such a good example of choosing the best aspects of your circumstances. Nice job! It might feel like a stretch but it could be helpful to try to focus on the positive aspects of your co-workers, even though it might feel like it’s not your job. By doing that, you likely won’t need to shield yourself as those negative aspects won’t be showing up for you. I’m rooting for you!
Hi Susan, a question for you:-) I’ve been using the following your excitement principle of Bashar and I love this approach. Something that I would like is sharing some of the discoveries (such as that of following your excitement) that I made over the years. One possibility for expressing this is the idea of sharing some of these things on facebook. However, there is fear for doing this (for being seen as a weirdo or something) and therefor makes the idea less attractive to do.
In your article you write: “If you feel genuine anxiety or fear and it’s a strong gut feeling, it’s an obvious “no.” But, if it feels like, hell yeah, that might be fun but . . . it feels a little scary to think about, give it a little more airtime. See what develops.”. Given what you wrote here, I’m not sure how to handle this best, just boldy share these things anyway, or waiting a little more or something? Also is the part that I copied of ‘giving it more airtime’ something Bashar shared?
Hi Ram, I think there are plenty of people on FB who understand the Law of Attraction and you should feel okay posting about your discoveries. What I have seen, from some of my clients, for example, is that they have family members who are devout Christians or devout something else and they can sometimes have a strange reaction. One client’s mother thought he would not go to heaven, for example, and talked about the “End of Days.” Pretty crazy, I know. There are many groups that specifically share the kind of information you are describing but some of them have strict rules about what they will accept. This includes many of the Abraham-Hicks groups. I’ve learned by trial and error where I can post. I probably should do more digging to find more groups that value this information. As far as the “giving it more airtime,” that was me, I believe. My thought was that sometimes getting just a little more fearless and comfortable about something might be worthwhile before diving in. Oh, and a final thought, if you embark on this adventure anticipating “being seen as a weirdo,” that might be something you’d want to work on before posting. I completely understand your situation and perhaps working on your vibration with regard to posting and feeling more comfortable, even for a brief time, could be beneficial. I hope this is helpful. Susan
Wow, thank you Susan for your nice reply. WIshin you all the best,
With love, Ram
Hi Susan,
What do you think about the following; you feel some excitement about taking a walk in a forest, but you don’t feel muchper sé for walking/cycling to the forest. The idea of taking a walk in this case contains the highest excitement, but is that what Bashar means you should do, or do you think not?
All the best
Hi Jed, I apologize for just seeing this! Such a good question. I do think, in that case, that you should think of the best way you can imagine to have that experience of walking in the forest. It’s a little tricky in the example you gave because somehow you need to get there! But there have to be some ways of getting there that feel better than others. If you can imagine the best way, even though you don’t feel much excitement about that part, and yet still feel the desire to take the walk, then I would think that is what Bashar is suggesting. When there are things that you feel you need to do at home, for example, and you’re not particularly excited about them, you can make an effort to create a more ideal set up for getting the things done. In that case, it would be choosing the best actions from what is available. All the best to you!
Hi, I think I have two questions: 1) is about ability to follow your excitement and money. I’m always thinking I would love to, eg go study in a cafe I know but it costs train fare to get there and feel I shouldn’t really do it/can’t really afford it. I would abs. love to start a blog but after tons of researching Siteground seems to be the one I would want and need to go for, being in the uk, but it is expensive after the trial period. So do I go with it and trust it’ll be okay? And on and on it goes. I’ve noticed you do lose interest if you go for the more sensible option, the one that was cheaper but not really your favourite. So first question is about money I suppose.
Second question: watching an interview – “How to Channel The Positives By Following Your Highest Excitement – Darryl Ankar aka Bashar” – he says, Bashar explains the idea of following excitement in such a practical way, like provides an actual toolkit. I immediately wanted to know, where? How can I get this information. What book or set of videos? Have you purchased his products? Do you know what is a good place to start or answer this question of following excitement specifically? The snippets I’ve found from Google searching eg on youtube aren’t answering these questions for me.
Sorry for such a long question! Any help gratefully received. x
Thanks for your interest. I think the money question can often be tricky. We really want to create the feeling of having abundance in our lives before we’ve seen the increase in our bank account. So, I generally suggest looking at your life for other evidence of abundance, e.g., relationships, comfortable home, friends, good food, whatever you might have that you appreciate. In essence, the energy of appreciating that form of abundance is the same energy that will be a match to financial abundance. It’s all the same stuff! Also, another thing that I think is helpful is to occasionally do things that feel like you are treating yourself well. I think in your example of studying in a cafe it could be well worth it to do that when it’s something you would really enjoy. There may be other ways you can cut out something that doesn’t bring you as much satisfaction. That creates more of a vibe of “I know I’m worth it.” The other thing that is helpful is to think a bit differently about making a decision to spend or not spend money on something. If you choose not to spend the money at the moment, it’s better to think “I’m not spending money on that right now because I’m a good manager of my money.” That carries a much more positive vibration that “I’m not spending money on that because I can’t afford it.” As for Bashar, I have written lots of posts on following your highest excitement and I also dedicated a pretty large portion of my new book to that topic exactly. It’s called You’re Not Stuck–Let the Law of Attraction Allow Life to Happen for You and Start Living an Awesome Life. You should be able to get it easily on Amazon and I think it explains that concept well. And, as for the toolkit, I can’t recall exactly where I’ve seen it but Bashar does discuss that in YouTube videos. It wasn’t a purchased product but something that was related in a recording. I do think Bashar has changed his approach slightly and is doing more paid events now and I’m not sure how many of the prior recordings are still on YouTube. You might have to go to his website to check on the “toolkit” video and see if you can get access. It was created long ago. I hope this is helpful!
Hi Susan, Thanks so much for your reply. That is helpful to feel abundant in general and grateful for what abundance I do have already. I will also check out your book. How exciting you have covered this already. I simply did a google search and watched some of that Bashar video and this blog post so didn’t explore further on your site for example.
And the idea of treating myself to a cafe outing to feel that I’m worthy and treating myself well, but not overdoing it and seeing it as managing my finances well. That’s super helpful too! Thanks so much.
Best wishes and love x
My pleasure, Debra!