There is a fairly simple answer to this question, but I’m going to be sure that we haven’t headed down a path of “but that’s impossible” by posing it just slightly differently. Let’s make a tiny change to the question by replacing “Right Now” with “imminently,” “tomorrow,” “very soon,” or “in perfect timing that is even better.” I was already imagining many people thinking, “Right now?” and going down a rabbit hole of the many reasons why what they want isn’t available or likely to happen right now. So, let’s soften that to something that feels more like “very, very soon.”
Just to be clear, most desires could show up almost immediately, but perhaps thinking that they could come very soon has less resistance built into it for most of us. Oh, I am admitting to falling into the same “right now????” quandary regarding some of my desires. But I do know for a fact that what I want has already manifested and is just waiting for me to be vibrationally aligned with it. Our desires are manifested virtually immediately and are hanging out in our vortex, waiting for us to line up with them. Knowing that fact often doesn’t stop us from introducing some disbelief into the equation. But we can change that.
The very simple solution involves thinking about what you really, really want and asking yourself two questions:
How do I think having that thing or those things that I want will make me feel?
Why do I think I can’t feel those same emotions right now?
Well, that sure simplifies things. We are often unaware of the doubts, beliefs, and sometimes just crazy thinking that is preventing us from feeling those emotions now, now, now. We can become so focused on the thing(s) we want that we don’t yet have that we’re unaware of the very positive emotions that are available to us right now. Those identical emotions are available when focusing on things we already have in our lives. Perhaps those things don’t feel as “big” as the desires we’re hoping for, but we are delaying their arrival when we ignore things in our current circumstances that already evoke those emotions. It’s only a matter of perspective and focus.
That doesn’t involve a high degree of difficulty. This is going to be easy!
So, um we should do that!
Can you think about three things that you’d really like to have in your life right now, or should we say soonish? Could you please write those down? Writing generally gives an extra bit of power, focus, and clarity that is nearly always helpful.
Now, for the second really easy part and something that should feel good: Could you also write down how you think having those things in your life would make you feel? Let your imagination run wild, and don’t leave out some of the emotions your changed circumstances might evoke.
So, without further ado,
The feelings we are so excited to have are already available with some focused attention on other things we have in our lives, “now, now, now,” that generate those same emotions. When we find those feelings in our current circumstances, we allow the unfulfilled desires to show up quickly. So, the answer to why we think we can’t experience those same emotions right now is that we simply haven’t decided to focus on those positive feelings and savor them. Sometimes, it feels more natural or productive to focus on problems we need to solve rather than the good things we have right now.
I hope that you have immediately been able to identify things in your life that have already created the feelings you expect to have by manifesting those elusive desires that you want to show up right now.
When I’m listening to a good podcast, reading a helpful book on manifesting or even listening to legit channeled information, I often think, it would be nice if they gave us an example of what that principle would look like in “real life.” I try to include some of those stories and details in my books and posts to help more people have those Eureka moments. One of my clients nearly always says, “Oh I’ve got it. I just had my Eureka moment. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” I love it when that happens.
As a simple example, suppose that one of your desires is to have a romantic partner or, as another client describes it, “my perfect love story.” Why not shoot for the stars?
What feelings would having that romantic partner create for you? Hmmm, someone I also know who is probably reading this might recognize that the answer could be, “What the hell, there are so many?”
Having a romantic partner or the perfect love story could create feelings of peace, satisfaction, happiness, joy, security, connection, belonging, confidence…..
We all have things in our lives already that create many of those feelings. We can get many of those feelings from our connections with friends, family, pets, jobs, or rewarding work. Even simple acts, like doing something we enjoy, can create many of those exact feelings. By focusing on those feelings and savoring them, we are making ourselves a match to the same vibration that lines us up with the romantic partner.
I’m inviting you to try this and decide to savor the things you can appreciate right now that match up perfectly with the unfulfilled desires you are excited about creating in your life. It could happen virtually as soon as you decide to have that focus, which the Universe will acknowledge with, “Here you go, here’s more of that.” And there is no reason why the “more of that” can’t be those desires you want Right Now.
Please don’t hesitate to share any Eureka moments or amazing manifestations. You should expect them.
This post is truly all one needs it is so ” bullseye”!! I love that this “second part” issue is worked out as you show. Beautiful article! Susan..I have had this concern for many years and am going to ask if you would share your perspective on this rather epic question/ a universe of ultimately balanced Polarity- is it unbalancing to focus on positive feelings/ emotions thereby risking an unhealthy backlog of ” repressed” negativity?? Thank you so much Susan!!!
Thank you Earl. I am just seeing this for some reason! I’ll have to check on my notification system! I’m delighted that it was helpful for you. I’d like to give more thought to your question and respond more fully. Thank you again for your comments.
“. . . very positive emotions are available to us right now.”
Time is the great illusion. Those who live in the past merely repeat it. Those who focus on the future merely delay recognition of what is already here in this NOW. Now is eternity and holds infinity, all of everything. No desire is possible except the Universe of eternal Now has already given us what is desired and nudged our hearts to want the gift. Every emotion and everything is now. We simply align our minds with the awareness of its presence when we decide to be ready to receive it. Only we can deny ourselves anything, and only by thinking it is not now, not already, not true, not real. Having and being are one. Whatsoever is desired is in our mind now, shining in our mind now just beyond the self-deceiving and delaying thought of not-now. What is in our mind we already have now, not in the future, for waiting implies time and the Universe of Eternity is timeless. The Self-concept of now having and being is just beyond the shadow of the self-deluding thought of not now. There is only now, except we imagine in vain and fantasize in mind a time of not now. Time is the great illusion and is made to seem real by giving it belief.
If your desire is strong enough, it doesn’t matter what your beliefs are. If you have a desire that is strong enough, that desire will be the dominant vibration, and it will over-ride any other vibration that you have.
Abe, Atlanta, GA on 9/13/97
The Law of seeing: “You will look upon that which you feel within.”
Law of Attraction: That which is like unto itself is drawn.
Law of Deliberate Creation: That which I give thought to, and that which I believe or expect — is.
We are mind more than we are bodies, and there will always be pleasures in our minds. We are minus these most of the time. Don’t get wrapped up in these bodies; it’s not who we are.
~1997 Abraham
If we use time to feel and visualize the NOW feeling of having and being, we will draw into awareness and recognition that which we already have within but were blinded by the false thought of self-deceiving doubt of what we lack NOW. Ask and receive. Seek within and find. Look within, feel already experiencing the joy of having now, and allow it to manifest. Whatsoever we choose to conceive and believe, we will perceive as received. Simply change mind from not having to joyously having and being. Thoughts are images we make, even if we deny ourselves awareness of having in order to delay the recognition of having and being. The mind is all powerful. There is nothing mind cannot do, and do now, no exception. All things are possible to one who believes. We have only to allow ourselves to feel, have, and be now. Practice the art of allowing now instead of denying now and delaying or replaying the past thoughts of not having which blind awareness of having now.
Yes, yes and yes! Thank you.