Sometimes, we need to refocus on something we learned earlier.  Often, we read something and think, “Oh yeah, I get this! This is a game-changer.”  And it is.  Then we may pick up the same book months or years later, reread the same wisdom, and think, “Oh, I did get this, but now I GET IT.  I didn’t realize the full impact of this when I learned it before.”

We have changed since we learned the game-changing information. We’ve had more experiences, expanded, and seen that principle operate in different circumstances.

Although I am nearly always focusing on and doing my best to apply the principles I know are true about how energy works and how we create our own reality, I often have exactly that experience with those epiphanies.  And, I don’t beat myself up for not being in perfect alignment or not doing something I KNOW HOW TO DO.  I actually consider it a sign of growth!  It confirms that I’ve expanded since the last time I read or even wrote about that principle relating to how energy works in our lives.

Recently, a coaching client said to me, “Susan, I wanted to mention your recent story about reframing an experience that you wish you handled differently and how it could cease to bother you any longer; it really helped me to move on.  And, it was so simple, but it totally worked.  I’m not thinking about that anymore, and I have been thinking about it for a long time.”  I loved that.  And, I loved the fact that it confirmed that sometimes it can be that simple.

In most cases, the more we complicate it, the more we slow down the manifestation of the new and improved circumstances that we want to create.

I recently revisited the simple principle that most savvy creators have heard and know to be true: the importance of being okay with where we are right now. I even began my book, “How to Allow,” with a detailed explanation of why that concept is so important. Things may not be ideal, but finding a way to make peace with our circumstances as they are right now is our foundation for creating the lives we want.

If we’re not at peace with where we are now, we’re introducing a negative vibe, resistance, into our default vibration. We can be meditating, visualizing, or thinking lots of positive thoughts, but our frustration with where we are now is slowing down the manifestation we really, really want.

The slight paradox here, which is worth revisiting, is that in order to expand and create our desires, we necessarily find things that we’d like to improve in our lives.  We acknowledge that some things could be better. Yet, at the same time that we see the possibility of improvement, we create a fertile vibration for manifesting that change by being at peace with where we are.

The desire for new and improved will always be there. We don’t want to feel like there are no new and exciting desires we’d like to create, or we would cease to exist. That energy is our life force!  Those desires move energy through us and cause our expansion. We want the feeling of:


“I’d like that even more.”


What I love about that simple statement is that it carries a feeling and vibration of “I do like what I have.”  At the same time, it contains a feeling of eagerness for something that could be even better.

Thinking “I’d like that even more,” contains the incredibly valuable vibration of appreciation.  Appreciation is at the peak of the emotional scale, in the same place as  joy.  When we appreciate something we are adding value to it.  We are enhancing everything around us when we appreciate anything.


There are some things I’d love to manifest right now, and there are also many things I fully appreciate in my life. I would imagine that you might have that same mix. If each time you think about that thing you’d like to improve, you also remind yourself of how much you appreciate how far you’ve come and the things you’ve already created, you are on the fast track to creating those new things and experiences that are calling you.

The best way to improve your circumstances is to focus on the best things about where you currently stand until you flood your vibrational patterns of thought with appreciation. In that changed vibration, you will then allow the new and improved conditions and circumstances to enter your experience —and they will come quickly.

This could be a great time to make a mental list or even a written list of things you appreciate about your life right now!  Then you should expect seeming miracles!

A client recently thanked me for helping her to create “the life of her dreams,” and I’m quite certain that making peace with her “then” reality was one of the elements that created her dream life.  If you’d like to focus on more simple ways to create just what you want, you can reach me at


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